Executive Compensation Plan

Executive Compensation

RRDSB’s Proposed Executive Compensation Program

In 2014, the Government of Ontario began the process of developing public sector compensation frameworks to ensure a transparent and consistent approach to executive compensation. This applies to all Ontario public sector designated employers, such as universities, colleges, hospitals and school boards, including the Rainy River District School Board.

All 72 Ontario Public School Boards worked together to develop an Executive Compensation Framework which would ensure compliance with this legislation for the K-12 education sector. The sector framework was approved by the Ministry of Education and Treasury Board Secretariat. Using the approved framework and in consultation with the Government of Ontario, the RRDSB has developed a proposed Executive Compensation Program.

In the education sector, a competitive, fair, and responsible Executive Compensation Program is vital for attracting and retaining the talented, innovative leadership required to ensure continued progress and success in advancing student achievement for all. The RRDSB Board of Trustees recognizes the importance of developing a fiscally responsible compensation program that is fair, consistent, reflective of the unique complexities of the school board market as well as the external market, and provides recognition for the professional competencies, complexity of work and workload demands of our senior management team.

The RRDSB's Approved Executive Compensation Program
Executive Compensation Program - Feedback Letter

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