Research on leadership demonstrates that school leaders are pivotal to the development of excellent teaching, excellent schools and ultimately, enhanced student achievement and well-being. Similarly, system leaders play an essential role by putting in place supportive system practices and procedures for school leaders and providing system-wide leadership. The Ontario Leadership Framework 2012: A School and System Leader’s Guide to Putting Ontario’s Leadership Framework into Action
Leadership is action, not position. As such, I want to thank you for the informal leadership that you, as an educator, demonstrate daily in your instructional practices, your interactions with students and their parents, your support of colleagues, and your commitment to lifelong learning.
In approximately two to three years, the current leadership team within the RRDSB will have changed. Assuming a formal role in shaping the learning team within a school and becoming an integral part of the system team of the Rainy River District School Board is exciting next step in one’s development as a leader. As a result, this webpage and the resource links have been developed to support educators considering leadership in the future. I hope that you find this page helpful as you extend your professional knowledge into action, through a focus on instructional leadership.
-Heather Campbell, Director of Education