Kiss 'N Ride Program

What is the Kiss ‘N Ride Program?

The Kiss ‘N Ride Program is a convenient, safe and efficient procedure for dropping off children at school in the morning, and for picking up children from school in the afternoon. Once your car has come to a complete stop in a designated area, a staff member or volunteer will be waiting to greet you, and to ensure your child safely arrives to or departs from school. This program separates vehicular traffic from school bus traffic to further enhance the safe and efficient transportation process.

Why is there a need for the Kiss ‘N Ride Program?

The Rainy River District School Board is committed to student safety. As more and more parents drive their children to and from school, there is a need to address safety issues. Increased congestion in front and around schools has become a serious health and safety issue. Elementary schools are of particular concern due to the ages of children involved. Kiss ‘N Ride is a proven proactive strategy to help ensure the safety of all our children. Injuries that children can sustain in a traffic incident are predictable and preventable.

Kiss 'N Ride Executive Summary




Drop-Off Pick-Up
  1. Drive slowly into Kiss ‘N Ride lane
  2. Stop vehicle (30 – 45 seconds)
  3. Parent stays in vehicle with vehicle running
  4. Teacher on duty will open door for child
  5. Parent drives off once child has exited vehicle
  1. Drive slowly into Kiss ‘N Ride lane (if you do not see your child, keep moving and loop back)
  2. Stop vehicle
  3. Parent stays in vehicle with vehicle running
  4. Child gets in vehicle
  5. Door closes and parent drives off

Kiss 'N Ride Schedule

J.W. Walker School Robert Moore School

8:15 to 8:40 a.m.

3:15 to 3:30 p.m.

8:10 to 8:30 a.m.

2:50 to 3:10 p.m.

Traffic Safety Committee

Traffic Safety Committee

Contact Us

For more information please contact the school Principal or visit our Question & Answer page.

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