The Credit System
A credit is granted in recognition of the successful completion of a course that has been scheduled for a minimum of 110 hours. For the purpose of granting a credit, "scheduled time" is defined as the time during which students participate in planned learning activities (other than homework) related to the achievement of the learning expectations in the course. Planned learning activities will be delivered through classroom or online instruction and activities and/or through community placements related to work experience and cooperative education. A credit is granted to a student by the principal of a secondary school on behalf of the Minister of Education.
Tracking of Credit Accumulation
Student progress in earning credits is recorded and tracked in the Ontario Student Transcript (OST), which is stored in a student's Ontario School Record (OSR). See the section on the OSR and OST in this Course Calendar for more details, including policies related to course withdrawal and retakes.
Substitutions for compulsory credits may be possible where it is in the best interest of the student’s learning. Information about substitution procedures may be obtained from the Guidance Department at the secondary school involved. Parent / guardian approval is required for students under the age of 18.
Principals may substitute up to 3 compulsory credits with courses from other subject areas specified in the list of compulsory credit requirements, and all substitutions will be noted on the student’s Ontario Student Transcript. Certain limitations apply. See section 6.2 of Ontario Schools (2024) for more detail.
In the RRDSB certain compulsory credits are earned using different courses that are not considered to be one of the three allowed substitutions:
- For Grade 9 Visual Art, the Grade 9 course “Expressions of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Cultures” (NAC1O) is taken, and may be used as the compulsory arts credit;
- Students who have taken Ojibwe in place of French as a second language in elementary school may use the level 1 or 2 Ojibwe course as the compulsory course for French as a second language;
- the Grade 11 course “Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis and Inuit Voices” is used as the Grade 11 compulsory English credit.
Music Certificates Accepted for Credit
A student may be awarded a maximum of two optional credits for music programs taken outside of school.
For music programs completed outside of school (as identified below), the principal of a secondary school may award a maximum of two university/college preparation credits (one Grade 11 credit and one Grade 12 credit) toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
A maximum of one Grade 11 university/college preparation music credit (AMX3M) may be awarded toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) for the successful completion of one of the following:
- Level 7 Practical and Level 7 Theory of the Royal Conservatory of Music (Toronto, Ontario)
- Grade VII Practical and Grade III Theory of Conservatory Canada (London, Ontario)
- Collegial I Practical and Collegial I Theory of any conservatory of music in the province of Quebec
- Grade V Practical and Grade III Theory of Trinity College (London, England)
- Grade VII Practical and Grade VI Theory of the Royal Schools of Music (London, England)
A maximum of one Grade 12 university/college preparation music credit (AMX4M) may be awarded toward the OSSD for the successful completion of one of the following:
- Level 8 Practical and Level 8 Theory of the Royal Conservatory of Music (Toronto, Ontario)
- Grade VIII Practical and Grade IV Theory of Conservatory Canada (London, Ontario)
- Collegial II Practical and Collegial II Theory of any conservatory of music in the province of Quebec
- Grade VI Practical and Grade IV Theory of Trinity College (London, England)
- Grade VIII Practical and Grade VIII Theory of the Royal Schools of Music (London, England)
AMX3M and AMX4M are optional credits and may not be used to meet the compulsory credit requirement in the arts or the additional compulsory credit requirement for Group 2. They may be awarded in addition to any other music credits from Ontario Curriculum courses delivered in school.
Credit for Prior Learning (PLAR)
See the section in this Course Calendar on Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) for information on the requirements, processes, and timelines to earn credits for prior learning.