The pathway that each Rainy River District School Board student takes from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and beyond is unique, shaped by their experiences, skills, interests, and the countless other factors that make them unique as individuals. Their pathways may lead to Apprenticeship, College, Community Living, University, or the Workplace directly after high school - and for most, it will lead to more than one of those destinations over their lifetimes.
The RRDSB is committed to enabling students to pursue pathways that reflect their individual interests and needs, building their skills for the future. This includes supporting students in developing their
Individual Pathways Plans (IPP) from grades 7-12 using
Xello (an online pathway planning program) and by providing a range of opportunities in schools to learn about, explore, and plan for possible post-secondary pathways. The principles and goals of the program are outlined in the policy document entitled “
Creating Pathways to Success: an Education and Career / Life Planning Program for Ontario Schools K-12 (2013)”
The Individual Pathways Plan (IPP), Grade 7 -12
From Grades 7-12, all students develop and maintain an Individual Pathways Plan as a record of their education and career/life planning as they move through those grades towards their initial post-secondary destination.
In the RRDSB, all students use Xello, an online program that provides a variety of tools and resources to explore pathways of interest and develop plans to achieve the rewarding futures they imagine and deserve. RRDSB students are given multiple opportunities and support to develop their IPP:
- Grades 7-9: Sequences of interactive, personalized lessons, focusing on exploration, self knowledge, and supporting the transition to high school;
- Grade 10: Lessons and activities as part of the compulsory Career Studies course, leading to the development of initial plans for the transition from secondary school to postsecondary endeavours.
- Grades 11 and 12: Individualized planning for postsecondary, with support from school teams and families.
- From grade 8 onwards, students use Xello to make their high school course selections as a key part of the educational planning.
Parents / guardians are able to view their student’s IPP profile in Xello and track their course progress by registering for a Xello Family account, as a good launching point for supporting their future plans.
Please contact your child’s school if you have not yet registered or received an email from [email protected] with the subject line “Welcome to Xello”.