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Safe Schools, Student Responsibilities, and the Code of Conduct

The Rainy River District School Board sets clear behavior standards for everyone in the school community, fostering a safe environment for learning to happen. A positive school climate is achieved when all members feel safe, accepted, and valued, respect human rights and dignity, and actively promote responsibility, civility, and academic excellence. Please refer to the RRDSB's Code of Conduct for more information.

Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting of Student Achievement

The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. 

Student learning is assessed and evaluated in a variety of ways, in order to give an accurate picture of what they have learned and how they have progressed, and to inform the next steps in learning.

Assessment and evaluation will be based on the achievement of the overall curriculum expectations, as outlined in all courses of study, as well as the achievement chart categories and levels. An evaluation outline for each course in which the student is enrolled is provided at the beginning of the course and copies of these are available to parents/ guardians upon request. Parents/guardians will continue to be informed of their son’s/daughter’s progress through a regular schedule of report cards. 

 In secondary credit-bearing courses 70% of a final grade is representative of term work, while 30% comes from final summative assessments conducted near the end of a course.

For Grades 9 to 12, a Provincial Report Card will be used to provide information regarding academic progress and learning skills, separately reported in a consistent way throughout all schools. Parents/guardians are encouraged to call their school for information or advice on the progress of their child at any time during the school year.

Assessment, evaluation and reporting in the RRDSB follows the principles outlined in Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and  Reporting in Ontario Schools, available on the Ministry website at:
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