Ontario School Record and Transcript

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Ontario School Record (OSR)

An Ontario School Record (OSR) is maintained for each student. The OSR is the record of a student’s educational progress through schools in Ontario. This record is a basic element in the process of monitoring a student’s progress through school. Once a student’s progress and achievement have been measured and assessed, they are recorded in the OSR. Other data recorded are: date of birth, Ministry of Education Number and/or the Ontario Education Number, schools attended, names of parents/guardians.
Every student has the right to access their OSR. The parents of a student have the right to access the student’s OSR, until the student becomes an adult (age 18). It is not available to other students, parents or individuals. For more information about this, please call the Guidance Department of your High School.

Ontario School Transcript (OST)

The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) is part of the OSR, and is a record of courses successfully completed.

As students earn credits in Grades 9-12, their personal achievement for each course is recorded on this form as a percentage grade.

Transcripts for current students in day school programs are available through the Principal at each school.

After the student leaves school, the Ontario Student Transcript will be kept on file in the last secondary school attended for 5 years and a copy will be provided to the student upon graduation or leaving
school. The record is maintained in case he/she ever needs an official report of marks, such as would be required by any college, university or employer. Marks will not be released by the school without the permission of the student or of the parent/guardian if the student is under 18. 

Former students whose records are inactive, and not at the former school site, can request transcripts and school records by calling the Education Centre at 807-274-9855. Proof of identification and a nominal fee will be required to process requests. 

Full Disclosure - Ontario Student Transcript

 Students, particularly those applying to post-secondary programs, should be aware of  reporting procedures when repeating or withdrawing from a course, and the impact on their OST.

The following procedures will be used upon withdrawal from a course and repetition of a course. 
Withdrawal from a course 
Grades 9 and 10 
Withdrawals from grade 9 and 10 courses are not recorded on the OST. Only successfully completed courses are recorded on the OST (Ontario Student Transcript). 
Grades 11 and 12 
If a student (including a student with a completed Individual Education Plan) withdraws from a Grade 11 or 12 course within five instructional days following the issue of the first report card in a semestered or a non-semestered school, the withdrawal is not recorded on the OST. 

If a student withdraws from a course after five instructional days following the issue of the first report card in a semestered or a non-semestered school, the withdrawal is recorded on the OST by entering a “W” in the “Credit” column. The student’s percentage grade at the time of the withdrawal is recorded in the “Percentage Grade” column. 
Repetition of a course 
Students who repeat a Grade 11 or 12 course that they have previously completed successfully, can earn only one credit for the course. However, each attempt and the percentage grade obtained is recorded on the OST, and an “R” is entered in the “Credit” column for the course(s) along with the lower percentage grade. 

For more information on these policies, see the Guidance personnel in your school.
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