Cooperative Education

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What is Cooperative Education (Co-op)?

Cooperative Education (Co-op) is a ministry-approved program that allows students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement. The program consists of a co-op course monitored by a cooperative education teacher, a related curriculum course in any subject, and a work placement.

Through Cooperative Education, students have the opportunity to:

  • experience hands-on learning
  • test-drive career options
  • make connections between their classroom learning and the world of work
  • earn credits towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) through workplace experience
  • develop skills and habits required in the workplace
  • develop transferable skills that will support them in any pathway they choose
  • build a resumé for postsecondary programs and future employment
Co-op placements in the RRDSB are arranged for students by their secondary school and must follow Ministry of Education policy and guidelines. 

Get started with Co-op


Co-op programs are for secondary students who are heading for apprenticeship, college, university or directly to the workplace.
Most students taking Cooperative Education will do so in grade 11 and/or 12.  Some work placements have minimum age requirements. 

Students can enrol in co-op courses through their high school's course selection process. Students selecting Coop will complete additional forms as needed and meet with a Coop teacher before the course begins. At this time the Coop teacher will determine the student's needs and interests to help them secure a suitable work placement for their Coop.

Summer Co-op may also be available, where students may earn Co-op credits with their summer employment as the work placement. 
Availability of Summer Co-op each year is dependent on enrolment and staffing. Information about summer coop comes out in the spring, with applications typically opening in April. Students interested in Summer Co-op should speak to their Guidance counsellor, and visit the board website for updates. 

Summer Coop 2024 Information

Program Connections:

While co-ops may be completed on their own, participation in Cooperative Education is essential to two other job skills programs that offer extra value to the experience:

  • Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP): To be an OYAP Participant, a student must be in a Co-op placement in a skilled trades setting, and be registered with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training, and Skills Development (MLITSD).
  • Specialist High Skills Majors: Students in an SHSM program must earn at least 2 Co-op credits related to the SHSM sector to successfully complete the program and earn the SHSM seal on their OSSD. 

Coop - SHSM - OYAP Banner

Placement Employers and Supervisors

All employers interested in taking on a co-op student can contact the principal of your local high school.
RRDSB schools value the strong partnerships with businesses, associations, and organizations in the local community that allow students this opportunity. It could not happen without them!

By becoming a co-op placement employer or supervisor, you give students the chance to:

  • learn expertise and skills in a real work environment
  • access materials and programs outside of the classroom

You guide and support students in their learning by providing them with:

  • safe working and learning environments
  • timely feedback
  • challenging learning experiences

Benefits of being a co-op placement provider

Providing high school students with co-op placements benefits you. Co-op can:

  • give you a source of new talent who may return to your company or organization after they graduate
  • promote positive attitudes toward your organization and industry
  • develop supervisory and leadership skills in your employees
  • help you build relationships and connections with local schools
  • allow your company or organization to complete important tasks
  • invite new and fresh perspectives into your organization

For more information: 

Learn about Co-op courses on the Ministry of Education site
Review the cooperative education curriclum and implementation policy.

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