Dual Credits

Dual Credits

What are dual credit programs?

Dual credit programs are ministry-approved programs that allow students, while they are still in secondary school, to take college or apprenticeship courses that count towards both the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and a postsecondary certificate, diploma, or degree, or an apprenticeship certification.

How do dual credit programs benefit students?

Participating in dual credit programs enables students to:

  • Complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
  • Have an experience that will help them make a successful transition to college or an apprenticeship program.
  • Increase their awareness of the various college and apprenticeship pathways available to them.
  • Gain greater insight into education and career planning decisions.

Team-Taught and College-Taught Dual Credits

Most dual credit programs in the RRDSB follow the team-taught model, where secondary school teacher team-teaches the dual credit course with a college instructor. The student receives instruction, assessment, support, and supervision from both the secondary school teacher and college instructor. 

College-taught dual credit programs may be available, where students enroll in a college course taught and assessed by a college instructor, and receive the support of a high school teacher as needed.

Program availability will vary from year to year; the RRDSB in partnership with Confederation College typically offers programs in the areas of Culinary Skills and Management, Environment and Resource Management, Health and Wellness, and Welding.

Level 1 Apprenticeship Dual Credits

College-taught programs may include Level 1 apprenticeship opportunities, where OYAP students with a registered training agreement may take Level 1 training for their trade in their last semester before graduation, worth 2 high school credits towards their OSSD.

RRDSB students taking this opportunity would attend Level 1 training at the main campus of Confederation College in Thunder Bay from April to June of their Grade 12 year, after completing at least one Cooperative Education placement with their employer/sponsor. Financial supports for travel and accommodation are available.

While availability of programs will vary from year to year, Level 1 apprenticeship dual credits are currently available for these trades (2024-25 school year):

  • 310S: Automotive Service Technician
  • 403A General Carpenter

All dual credit programs provide students with reach-ahead opportunities to help with the transition to college - for example, visiting a college campus to explore post-secondary pathways and to learn about available supports.

  Dual Credits are a great choice for students who are:
  • At Risk of not graduating (OSSD) or
  • Unsure of their pathway after graduation or career planning or
  • Enrolled in a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) or
  • Enrolled in an Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

Where do I find out more?

For more information on local dual credit programs, contact your school Guidance counsellor or principal. Information can also be found at:

Dual Credit Programs - Ministry of Education
School College Work Initiative
Confederation College

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