Privacy and Access to Information

The Rainy River District School Board is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals we are associated with, including staff and students, while promoting an environment of openness and accountability. The management of personal information collection, storage, use, and sharing is integral to the Board's commitment to making informed decisions about individuals. This includes safeguarding that information collected for specific purposes is not misused and that individuals' privacy is protected from unauthorized disclosure to third parties.

We are dedicated to handling personal information while providing educational services, following the rules of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and the Education Act.

MFIPPA allows individuals to access their personal information and request corrections, as well as to view general records that the school board holds. For more information on privacy and access, visit the  website of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

Access to General Information 

There are numerous ways to access general information concerning the Board: 

Your Child's Personal Information 

To access personal information held by the Board, students, parents, and guardians should contact the school their child attends. If a student is under 18 and not living on their own, the parent or guardian has the right to access the child's Ontario Student Record (OSR). The school will provide the requested information if you have the legal right to it. 
You will find contact information for all our schools at in the Our Schools section, or the school links on the home page of this website.

This Consent to Post Student's Personal Information form allows / not allows consent to all of the following items:

• Photograph of student (class picture and individual photos taken by a commercial photographer)
• School event photographs/tapings/publications
• Interviews by the news media
• Projects done
• Awards, scholarships, prizes received
• Participation in any extracurricular activities

Consent Form for Posting Student’s Personal Information

Student Personal Information - Routine Uses and/or Disclosures

Freedom of Information (FOI) Request

Members of the public can request information according to MFIPPA. The RRDSB is obligated to provide access to specific records and personal information, with some exceptions. If the information is sensitive or outside provincial privacy laws, a Freedom of Information (FOI) request is necessary.

To initiate an FOI request: 

Step 1: Complete a request form, or write a letter stating that you are requesting information or asking for a correction of your personal information under FIPPA or MFIPPA. 

Step 2: Forward the completed request form to the attention of the:
Privacy and Access to Information Coordinator
Rainy River District School Board
522 Second Street East
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 1N4
OR email it to [email protected] 

  • You need to pay a non-refundable application fee of $5, which can be done in cash or by cheque made out to the Rainy River District School Board. 
  • If you're requesting personal information, you will need to include a copy of your identification. 
  • Additionally, there may be fees for the time taken to search for and organize the records with the information, as well as for photocopying and shipping.
  • Organizations in the government have to answer information requests under FIPPA or MFIPPA within 30 calendar days. In certain cases, they can extend this period.

Filing an Appeal

You have the right to appeal any decision made by a government organization in regard to your request for access to information. An appeal must be made within 30 days of the government organization making its decision. To appeal, write a letter to the Registrar at the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC), describing why you are not satisfied with the government organization's decision.

Alternatively, you may wish to use the IPC appeal form. This form must be completed and mailed to the Registrar at the IPC at the address on the form.

There is a $25 appeal fee when the information sought is general information. (The appeal fee is $10 when the information sought is personal information.) For more information on how to file an appeal, please refer to the IPC appeal process

Privacy Statement

The Rainy River District School Board respects the privacy of its Web visitors. The only personal identifying information collected from use of the Rainy River District School Board websites is from a website visitor voluntarily submitting comments, suggestions, questions through a feedback form, an email, subscription to an email service or the setup of a user account to access secure areas of the website.

The submission of such information is deemed to be consent for the Rainy River District School Board to collect, use, retain and disclose such information, including personal information, as appropriate and consistent with its duties pursuant to the Education Act and Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

The Rainy River District School Board will not sell, rent, or release personal information to third parties or will not post any threatening or libelous emails or material that might be considered contrary to law. The Rainy River District School Board will cooperate with any law enforcement authorities requesting the identity of anyone emailing or posting such content.

Collection of Personal Information

The Rainy River District School Board is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals associated with it, including staff and students, while promoting an environment of openness and accountability. The management of personal information collection, storage, use, and sharing is integral to the Board's commitment to making informed decisions about individuals. This includes safeguarding that information collected for specific purposes is not misused and that individuals' privacy is protected from unauthorized disclosure to third parties.
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