Welcome to Rainy River District School Board

Accessibility & Equity

Table of Contents

Tips for browsing rrdsb.com
Ways to Make Information Accessible
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
Accessibility Policy - Policy  2.30 Accessibility Standards
Accessibility Procedures
Accessibility Plan
School and Board Facility Barrier Free Information Sheets
Individualized Emergency Response Plans
Accessibility Resources

Tips for browsing

Please note that all links in this section will open a new browser window.

Some accessibility features are built into computer operating systems and web browsers. Try the following methods to simplify your web browsing experience.

Magnify the screen

Many Web Browsers allow you to zoom in on web pages using simple keyboard controls. The magnifier allows you to focus on specific parts of the screen, enlarging the text and other page elements.

  • For Windows operating systems, press Ctrl and + to zoom in on a web page (Ctrl and - to zoom out).
  • For Mac operating systems, press Cmd and + to zoom in on a web page (Cmd and - to zoom out).

Customize the mouse pointer

You can customize a computer mouse pointer in several ways. For example, you can slow down the speed of the mouse pointer for easier handling. You can also change its appearance so that it contrasts more with the screen content.

Learn how to change mouse settings for Windows operating systems:

Learn how to change mouse settings for Mac operating systems:

Make the computer speak aloud

Many computers have text-reading features, but they can be limited in what they offer. For example, Windows Narrator reads only menus and dialogue boxes but not blocks of text.

Software is available that offers more advanced screen-reading capabilities (both free and commercial). A popular commercial screen reader is JAWS.

Learn how to use Windows Narrator:

Learn how to use Mac OS X Voiceover

Ways to Make Information Accessible

View the tip sheet for additional ways to make information accessible.

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 is the first of its kind in Canada.

People with disabilities should have the same kind of opportunities as everyone else. They should be able to do the things that most of us take for granted like going to work or school.

That's the goal of Ontario's legislation. Businesses and organizations - like the Rainy River District School Board - who provide goods and services to people in Ontario will have to meet certain accessibility standards in five important areas of our lives:

  • Customer Service
  • Built Environment
  • Employment
  • Information and Communication
  • Transportation

The Rainy River District School Board has an opportunity to provide leadership by making the provisions of the Act work for all Ontarians.


We welcome your comments and feedback about accessibility issues at the Rainy River District School Board . If you have comments or suggestions, please fill out our Accessibility Feedback Form (or access the Word or PDF version) and return to us using one of the methods mentioned on the form. Alternately, please send an email regarding your feedback on our accessibility by using this email address: [email protected]

Accessibility Policy

Accessibility Procedures

Accessibility Plan

School and Board Facility Barrier Free Information Sheets

Click on one of the links to find information on the accessible features of a school or school board building.
Crossroads School 
Donald Young School 
Fort Frances High School 
J.W. Walker School 
McCrosson-Tovell School 
Mine Centre School 
Northern Lakes K-12 School
Nestor Falls School 
Rainy River District School Board Education Centre
Rainy River High School
Riverview School 
Robert Moore School 
Sturgeon Creek School 

Individualized Emergency Response Plans

Section 27(1) of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation 191/11 under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) indicates that every employer shall provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have identified to the employer that they have a disability that requires accommodation.

Supervisors and Human Resources (Alexandra Kozlowski, Employee Relations & Wellness Consultant) will work with staff to create individual plans to address barriers that could impede safety of the employee.

Click here to view the Individualized Emergency Response Plan template.

How do I get an Individual Emergency Response Plan?
Staff can contact their supervisor and/or Human Resources (Employee Relations & Wellness Consultant). Staff are welcome to involve their union representative for support throughout the workplace accommodation process.

How long is the Individual Emergency Response Plan Process?
The length of time to develop and periodically update the Individual Emergency Response Plan is dependent upon the individual and the complexity of their situation. Plans will be reviewed upon an employee's change in work location, change to accommodation needs, or annually with all emergency response plans in September. Staff must notify their supervisor that their plan requires updating when the employee or someone identified in their Emergency Assistance Network changes work locations.

Who will have access to an Individual Emergency Response Plan?
All personal information collected on the Employee Individual Emergency Response Plan and on any attachments will be used only for emergency response purposes and will remain confidential subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Plan provides for acknowledgement and authorization by the employee for the Rainy River District School Board to release applicable personal information contained within the plan to designated individuals within their Emergency Assistance Network and to emergency/first responders in the event of a workplace emergency. Please review Procedure 3.57 Confidentiality of Medical Records  (access required) for further information.

Accessibility Resources

Tips on Serving Customers with Disabilities
Mental Health in the Workplace: An Accommodation Guide for Managers and Staff
Understanding the Universal Symbols of Accessibility
Guide to Planning Inclusive Meetings
A Checklist for Planning Accessible Events
Clear Print Accessibility Guidelines
Creating Accessible PDFs
PowerPoint Accessibility Features
Making your Business Accessible for People with Disabilities

Tip sheets on interacting with persons with disabilities:
Persons with Visual Disabilities
Persons who are Deaf-Blind
Persons who are Deaf, Deafened or Hard of Hearing
Persons with Physical Disabilities
Persons with Speech-Related Disabilities
Persons with Mental Health Disabilities
Persons with Learning Disabilities

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