Welcome to Rainy River District School Board

Special Education Services

Inclusive Special Education Servicesword art

The Rainy River District School Board provides a range of services, supports, programs and placements for students with special education needs. Through inclusive practices, students' needs are met through a variety of supports and programs within both the elementary and secondary panels. All programs promote student independence and are optimally suited to meet students’ individual needs.

For most students with special needs, families choose programming and supports through regular class placements, with an appropriate level of accommodations and/or modifications to their program. In consultation with families, our team of caring and dedicated professionals provides a continuum of special education supports and services for exceptional learners. Together, classroom teachers, Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs) and Administrators form the core of a student's school team.

We want to ensure that all our students are learning and feel supported through their education. Our families, schools and community partners work collaboratively to support the needs of all learners.

Multi-disciplinary Approach

For some students, a multi-disciplinary approach is needed to support the student’s learning needs. The Behaviour Support Team, consisting of two Behaviour Therapists and three Autism Support Workers, are part of the range of existing Rainy River District School Board supports for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and for other students who require more intensive programming supports. The Behaviour Support Team provide assessments, consultations and in-school mentoring and modelling of strategies to build skills that promote student success.

Special Education Plan

Parent Resources

Ministry Guides


School Resources

Principal's / SERT's IEP Checklist
Principal/SERT Monthly Guide
OSSLT Accommodations Guide


Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

Visit our Special Education Advisory Committee page.

Other Related Websites:

Ontario Special Needs, Ontario Window (SNOW) link

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