Character Calendar

Character in ActionSchools engage in actions that focus on and support character development with a monthly theme outlined in the Character Calendar.

The Rainy River District School Board's Character In Action monthly themes are outlined for each grade and coordinated with our board's current anti-bullying units of study with grade specific lessons. This comprehensive resource includes activities for each grade that supports the character attribute focus for each month, September through June. Grade specific plans of suggested teaching strategies for each character trait are available here. Detailed teacher resource materials are available in each school and outlined month by month in the Character In Action teaching modules.

September - Respect
RespectI will treat myself and others with consideration, high regard, courtesy and dignity.

What Is Respect?

We respect ourselves and treat others with courtesy, dignity, and positive regard. We honor the rights of others. We respect their belongings, the environment and the world around us. Respect can be shown in many little ways and, if we want our children to be respectful, the best way to achieve that is to model respectful behaviour for them.

October - Initiative
InitiativeI will recognize what needs to be done and do it, without prompting from others.

What is initiative?

Definition: the power or opportunity to act independently with a fresh approach before others do. Initiative is when we act without being prompted by others. We are eager to do what needs to be done without having to be told to do it. We take the first step towards the achievement of a goal.

November - Courage
I will stand up for my beliefs and principles and face challenges, fear and difficulty with fortitude.

What is Courage?

Courage is demonstrated by people who stand up for what they believe in their heart to be the right thing to do, even when others don't support them and might try to convince them that they are wrong.

December - Empathy and Compassion
Empathy and CompassionThe goal of compassion is seeking to understand another's struggles from his or her point of view and then doing whatever is necessary to heal the hurt.

What is Empathy and Compassion?

I will do whatever is necessary to heal the hurts of others. I will strive to understand and be sensitive to their feelings.

January - Optimism
OptimismI maintain a positive attitude

What is Optimism?

We maintain a positive attitude. We look on the brighter side of situations. We are able to see opportunities even in the face of adversity. We have hope for the future.
February - Honesty
HonestyI will be sincere, trustworthy and truthful.

What is Honesty?

Honesty is when you commit to being true to yourself and others.
March - Integrity
IntegrityI am truthful and sincere.

What is Integrity?

We are truthful and sincere. We ensure consistency between what we say and what we do as well as between what we believe and how we behave. Integrity is demonstrated by people who do the right thing, no matter what the circumstances might be.
April - Fairness
FairnessI will treat others in a just, equitable and unbiased manner.

What is Fairness?

Fairness is being consistent. Fairness is listening and being open. Fairness is being careful making judgments about others. Fairness is treating people equally and equitably. Fairness is following procedures.
May - Perseverance
PreserveranceI will not give up when things get tough. I will stick to my goals and work hard to achieve them, despite obstacles.

What is Perseverance?

Perseverance is sticking to the goals that I have set for myself and never giving up on what I set out to do.
June - Responsibility
ResponsibilityI will be accountable for my actions, be reliable and keep my commitments.

What is Responsibility?

We are accountable for all our actions. We follow through on our commitments. Responsibility is when you do what you say you're going to do, you keep your promises and you're accountable 
for your own actions.
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