Welcome to Rainy River District School Board

Steps to Resolve a Concern


The Board believes that individual questions, concerns, and complaints are resolved most effectively through direct communication with those closest to the point of concern.

Parent/Guardian Concern Resolution Process

Step 1 - Teacher
Where a parent/guardian has a concern about their child’s classroom or program, they should address the concern with the child’s teacher at a mutually convenient time.

Step 2 - Principal/Supervisor
If the parent/guardian and the teacher are not able to resolve the concern, the concern shall be discussed with the school principal or designate. Concerns regarding instructional materials should begin with the school principal.

Step 3 - School Supervisor
If the concern is still unresolved, the parent/guardian shall contact the school superintendent.

Step 4 - Director
If the concern is not settled at the Superintendent's level, the parent/guardian shall contact the Director of Education.

Trustees are advocates of the system and the process to resolve concerns. Parents and guardians may contact trustees at any time, and trustees will assist by directing the individual to the appropriate staff member.

School councils are advocates of the schools and advise principals on matters such as the school curriculum and code of conduct. School councils will not act or advise on individual parent/guardian-teacher-student issues, and instead will refer these matters to the school principal.

Suspension Appeals
As per Policy 4.16 Safe Schools, where a parent/guardian disagrees with the decision of a principal to suspend a student, that student’s parent/guardian may appeal the principal’s decision in accordance with the Human Rights Code, and the Board’s Student Suspension Appeal Guidelines.

Where a student no longer under parental/guardian custody (18 years of age or older, or 16 / 17 years-old who has removed themself from custody) disagrees with a principal’s decision to suspend them, the student may appeal the principal’s decision in accordance with the Human Rights Code, the Board’s Student Discipline Procedure, specifically, Suspension Appeal Guidelines.

Transportation Concerns
If you have a concern about bussing, please contact the Rainy River District Transportation Services Consortium.

Special Education programming appeals
As per Ontario Regulation 181/98, If you have concerns with respect to your child's programming and supports, please contact your child's principal.

Policy 2.07 Responding to Concerns
Procedure 2.07 Responding to Concerns
Policy 4.16 Safe Schools
Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Student With Special needs

Employee Concern Resolution Processes

Employees are encouraged to discuss any work-related concerns with their immediate supervisor (assistant manager/manager, principal/vice principal). If this step does not resolve the concern, employees are encouraged to discuss the concern with the supervisory officer that oversees that department/school of the Board.

Union Grievance Procedure
Unionized employees can access the grievance procedure for any concerns related to the application of the collective agreement, which includes working conditions, discipline, harassment, duty to accommodate, hiring processes, granting of leaves, etc. An employee who suffers adverse pay consequences due to inclement weather can appeal the decision as per Procedure 3.20 Inclement Weather - Staff.

Pay Equity Concerns
Concerns regarding Pay Equity can be appealed through the employee’s union and the Pay Equity Commission as per the Pay Equity Act of Ontario

WSIB Concerns
WSIB claim appeals are per the WSIB Act.

Employee Health and Safety Concerns
Employee health and safety concerns are per the Ontario Occupation Health and Safety Act.  Concerns are to be brought to the attention of the supervisor. As well, employees shall report to their employer or supervisor the absence of, or defect in, any equipment or protective device of which the worker is aware and which may endanger themself or another worker, and report to their employer or supervisor any contravention of this Ontario Occupation Health and Safety Act or the regulations, or the existence of any hazard of which they know as per the Act. Employees who have concerns in the workplace may also contact the Ministry of Labor to file a complaint.
Work refusals are handled as per Procedure 7.77 Work Refusal in accordance with the Ontario Occupation Health and Safety Act.

Other RRDSB Concern Resolution Processes

Delegations to the Board
Per the Rainy River District School Board of Trustees Procedural Bylaws Appendix F, individuals or groups desiring to appear before the Board of Trustees shall be permitted to do so only if the matter is within Trustee jurisdiction. Operational matters (e.g., extra-curriculars, staffing) should be directed to the source of the concern, following the steps to resolve a concern as outlined above.

Concerns Regarding Employee Conduct
Guideline 8.0 of Policy 3.86 Employee Code of Conduct discusses reporting of possible employee code of conduct issues.

Concerns Regarding Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
Per Policy 2.80 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy , you have the right to appeal any decision made by a government organization in regard to your request for access to information. An appeal must be made within 30 days of the government organization making its decision. To appeal, write a letter to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario describing why you are not satisfied with the government organization's decision. For more information on how to file an appeal, please refer to https://www.ipc.on.ca/.

Vendor Concern Process
Vendor concerns are as per Policy 8.09 Procurement and Procedure 8.09 Procurement.

Student Accommodation Decision Appeal Process
Appeals are per the Ministry of Educations Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (2015).
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