Welcome to Rainy River District School Board

Board Professional Development Plan

June 10, 2024 – Board Priorities Day

Elementary Teachers (ETFO)

Elementary Reporting Day

Secondary Teachers (OSSTF)

Topic: Exploring Gender-Friendly School Sport and Intramural Participation, from Policy to Action 
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenter: OPHEA
Description: During this session, participants will understand OFSAA policy, and effective practices to ensure safe and equitable participation of 2SLGBTQ+ students in school sports. Educators will understand the possibilities for intramural sport participation opportunities for students.

Topic: OUTspoken - 101Equity in Practice
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenter: Bobby Hudon
Description: Workshop will focus on the many diverse identities that make up 2SLGBTQIAP+ communities all over the globe and explores ways in which we as helpers can better understand and support them. The presentation will address safe language that can be implemented into our day-to-day work, including the use of pronouns and neopronouns- as well as discover new ways in which we can improve as allies in both our professional and personal lives.

April 19, 2024 – Provincial Priorities Day

Elementary Panel

Topic: Humanizing Transactions (AM)
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenters: Jessica Wilson - Binesiwag Centre for Wellness
Description: Concepts and principles of trauma informed care, as it pertains to the experiences of people involved in human trafficking. Focus on Human Trafficking and how does it playout in modern day. Understand the complex layers of the experiences individuals go through by gaining a deeper understanding of the many complex layers of violence and trauma experienced by people with lived experiences.

Topic: Student Achievement Plan Sessions (PM).
Indigenous-focused revisions to Social Studies (Grade 1-3), Holocaust Education in Social Studies (Grade 6), Continued learning in Mathematics, Literacy, and Equity.
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenters: RRDSB Indigenous Education Lead, School Support Services Staff (STEM Coordinator, Literacy Coordinator), Board Math Lead
Description: Focus on the specific revisions to the updated Social Studies curriculum areas for Grades 1-3 teachers and Grade 6 teachers. Student Achievement Plan sessions focusing on specific school needs in mathematics, literacy, and equity initiatives.

Secondary Panel

Topic: Student Well-Being - Understanding the Teenage Brain (AM)
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenters: Connected North – Janine Lawford
Description:  Understanding the teenage brain, de-escalation strategies, and supporting students through a trauma lens.

Topic: Humanizing Transactions (PM)

 Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenters: Jessica Wilson - Binesiwag Centre for Wellness
Description: Concepts and principles of trauma informed care, as it pertains to the experiences of people involved in human trafficking. Focus on Human Trafficking and how does it playout in modern day. Understand the complex layers of the experiences individuals go through by gaining a deeper understanding of the many complex layers of violence and trauma experienced by people with lived experiences.

January 26, 2024 – Board Priorities Day

Elementary Teachers (ETFO)
Elementary Reporting Day

Secondary Teachers (OSSTF)
Topic: Every Day Counts (AM)
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenter: Anthony DiLena – DiLena Educational Consulting
Description: During this session, strategies and exemplary approaches will be shared to address persistent student absenteeism. Emphasizing student well-being and exploring constructive solutions for managing habitual absenteeism will equip RRDSB educators with insights to enhance overall student attendance.

Topic: Equity in Practice (PM)
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenter: Fergus Vaughan
Description: This transformative workshop gives educational workers the tools and resources to be the tipping point that will lead to positive change in our workplaces and beyond. Participants will examine issues of power and privilege that challenge thinking while acquiring strategies that ensure their practices are equitable and their workplaces are inclusive.

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November 27, 2023 – Board Priorities Day

Topic: Introduction to Gr. 7 and 8 Mental Health Literacy Modules
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenters: RRDSB Mental Health Leader, Tracey Idle
Description: As per PPM 169, school boards across Ontario will implement Ministry-approved, teacher-led and culturally responsive mental health literacy learning modules for students in Grades 7 and 8 that respect the individual and diverse needs of students and ensure consistency in mental health literacy learning. School Mental Health Ontario has developed the mental health literacy modules, and RRDSB Mental Health Leader, Tracey Idle, will provide an overview of these resources will take place via Teams for all Grade 7 and 8 teachers across the Rainy River District School Board.

Topic: Exploring Anti-racist and Decolonial Approaches to Leadership in Schools, Communities, and School Districts (AM)
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenters: Dr. Vidya Shah (York University)
Description: Dr. Vidya Shah will provide a keynote address on equity and racial justice in education. Her keynote will explore anti-racist and decolonial approaches to leadership in schools, communities, and school districts. Dr. Shah also explores educational barriers to the success and well-being of Black, Indigenous, and racialized students. She is committed to bridging the gaps between communities, classrooms, school districts and the academy, to re/imagine emancipatory possibilities for schooling.

Topic: Violence Prevention and Intervention (PM)
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenters: Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute
Description: The Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI) will be providing a professional development session focusing on Trauma Informed Schools - Building Safety of Learning. This session will provide practical strategies for implementing five key principles of trauma-informed schools: promoting awareness, shifting attitudes, providing choice, fostering safety, and highlighting strengths. Participants will learn about the impact of trauma on individuals and schools, learn how to build a safe place for students, and identify ways to respond with compassion to students in crisis. Other topics to be covered include how trauma impacts learning, promoting awareness among students and staff, shifting attitudes around students and behaviours, and ways to foster safety in schools.

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October 27,  2023 - Provincial Priority Day

Elementary Panel

Topic: Mathematics (AM)
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenters: RRDSB staff / Nelson Presenters / Pearson Presenters
Description: Training will be provided to elementary staff on the use of the newly purchased resources Mathology and My Math Path. Focus of the training will be to support teachers in using the resources to provide a balanced Math program that focus on daily activation activities to support fact fluency, problem solving and assessment strategies that support timely feedback for student learning. Training on the digital tools that have been purchased for elementary teachers will also be utilized on this day.

Topic: Literacy (PM)
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenters: RRDSB Literacy Lead
Description: Primary, junior, and intermediate elementary educators will concentrate on the updated language curriculum specific to their divisions. School groups will collaborate to discuss the language curriculum and the most effective strategies used during its roll-out in the 2023-24 academic year.

23-10-27 PD Elementary Support Staff

Secondary Panel

Topic: Pathways Planning (All Day)
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenters: Experiential Learning Lead / Skill Trades Ontario
Description: All secondary educators will attend an interactive presentation with Dr. Jon Callegher, focused on supporting students in pursuing pathways in apprenticeship and skilled trades and technologies. While recognizing that the best pathway for any student is the one that's right for them, this research-grounded presentation will help to ensure that students are considering all options available to them by shining light on a rewarding pathway that is still subject to many misconceptions by students, educators and families.

Educators will meet in department groupings to redesign a learning experience with a focus on competencies, critical thinking questions and ongoing assessment to increase student engagement in their learning.

Topic: De-streamed Grade 9 and Grade 10 Knowledgehook Training (PM)
Entity Hosting: RRDSB
Presenters: Chris-Ann Smith - Knowledgehook Trainer
Description: Grade 9/10 math teachers will be provided support in learning how to use the Knowledgehook Math Guidance System to improve math assessment. A focus on how the tool can differentiate learning for students with varying academic needs and the strategies that can help support student learning, will be explored.

23-10-27 PD Secondary Staff


August 28, 2023 – Board Priorities Day

Theme #1: Board/School Improvement Planning for Student Achievement and Well-Being Topic: School Improvement Planning School staff will focus on determining their key school priorities that tie to RRDSB's Board Improvement Plan and Strategic Plan. The areas for school improvement planning will include literacy, numeracy, and equity for all students (Culture of Caring - RRDSB Strategic Plan pillar).

Theme #2: Occupational Health and Safety Training
Topic: Student Safety and Occupational Health and Safety Training
School administrators will review health and safety protocols for their schools: fire/safety plans, lockdown procedures, PPM 161 regulations, and all other health and safety considerations for their schools. Teachers will be provided a portion of the afternoon to complete three on-line modules: WHMIS training, Work Refusal Training, and Incident Reporting Training.

View the agenda.

August 29, 2023 - Provincial Priorities Day

Theme #1: Literacy and Mathematics (Provincial Priority)
Topic: Reading and Literacy
The RRDSB Literacy Lead and school administrators will work with school-based staff to review the revised Language, Grades 1-8 curriculum (The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8, Language, 2023). In addition, school teams will review practical and effective strategies in virtual group sessions, per division, to support student learning with a focus on structured literacy (systematic and explicit instruction of foundational skills including, word recognition/decoding and oral language skills and higher-level literacy skills including, reading comprehension and written expression).

Theme #2: Student Well-Being, School Safety, and Violence Prevention
Topic: Crisis Prevention Intervention Training for ESP workers
Description: Non-violent Crisis Prevention Intervention Training provides educators with the skills and strategies to safely recognize and respond to both crisis and non-crisis situations. These strategies focus on the care, welfare, safety, and security of all students and staff with evidence-based, trauma-informed behaviour management and crisis prevention approaches. All Educational Assistants will be recertified annually with CPI training.

 View the agenda.

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