Summer Learning Program 2021

Summer Learning Program
Posted on 05/03/2021
Summer Learning Program flyerThe Rainy River District School Board will offer a Summer Learning Program online for students in Grade 1 to Grade 8 from June 28 - July 19, 2021.

Programs will be led by qualified teachers using online platforms, providing students with 2 hours of fun and engaging learning sessions each day.

Registering your child


 Who: Students in Grade 1 to Grade 8 during the 2020-2021 school year are eligible to register for the program.

How: Complete the online registration form and you will receive a confirmation phone call.

Deadline: Saturday, May 15, 2021

Program Dates: June 28 - July 19, 2021

A minimum number of 15 students must be registered for a program to run in a school. Parents and Guardians are asked to commit to having their children attend all 3 weeks of the program.

Additional Information

Have fun building Literacy and Numeracy Skills!
Each student will have many opportunities for fun and engaging learning every day. The focus of the Summer Learning Program will be on the development of literacy and numeracy skills for Grades 1-6, and preparation for de-streamed Grade 9 math for Grades 7-8.

Work with experienced teachers in small groups!
Benefit from great teachers who want to help each student achieve success. Students will have opportunities for one-on-one or small group learning, which will include reading, experimenting, and problem solving.

An engaging day of Summer Learning!
Learning will include live teaching through online platforms, home activities, and teacher-led virtual experiences.

For more information on the Summer Learning Program, please contact [email protected]
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