Welcome to Rainy River District School Board

Mental Health Information and Resources

Mental Health Information and Resources

We all want our children to feel mentally well, grow up happy, and to learn how to navigate life’s challenges. As a parent, guardian, caregiver, or family member, you have a particularly special role in supporting child and youth mental health. Understanding the sorts of skills that help to support good mental health and how to reinforce these skills as part of regular family life can help to start and keep young people on a good path. Sometimes, in spite of your best efforts, children and youth will struggle with their emotions, thoughts, or behaviours. Knowing the signs of difficulty and getting help early can make all the difference.

Parent and Family Role in Supporting Child and Youth Mental Health:
Support social-emotional skill development and overall well-being.
Know the signs of mental health problems.
Help your child to access support if you think professional help is needed.
Be there for your child through the ups and downs of life.
Take care of your own mental health and model good self-care!

Where To Get Help For Your Child
Click here for resources on where to seek help for your child.

Rainy River District School Board students tell us what they do to be well, how they help others to be well, and where students can go for help with their well-being.

Kids Help Phone

Confidential, free, and available 24 hours a day, seven day a week!
Kids Help Phone

Mental health and mental illness are not fixed states. The state of our
Good Mental Health
mental health changes over time due, in part, to life circumstances, available supports, the activities we take part in to care for ourselves, and our ability to cope with day-to-day stressors. It is important to understand that even with diagnosed mental illness, individuals can enjoy good mental health. Similarly, having no mental illness doesn't mean someone has good mental health. The image below helps to express this idea.

Rainy River District School Board's Mental Health and Addictions Strategy

The Rainy River District School Board supports a culture of caring in which:

  • our students experience a sense of belonging in caring environments that address their well-being
  • our staff is supported in mutually respectful and productive working relationships to enhance the success of all our students
  • our students, staff, and communities are supported in safe, inclusive, and collaborative learning environments.

Areas of Priority:

Mentally Healthy Schools and Classrooms: Welcoming, safe, inclusive, and culturally responsive settings for in-person and remote learning

Wellness Promotion and Social-Emotional Learning: Evidence-based, culturally responsive wellness promotion and social-emotional skill development

Student Mental Health Knowledge: Student mental health literacy, help-seeking and peer help-giving, family information and support

Prevention and Early Intervention: Early identification and early intervention for students with mild to moderate mental health and/or substance problems

System Collaboration and Cohesion: Framework for system collaboration and service pathways, family information and support, suicide prevention

KRRCFS Counselling Services

Counselling services

Meet our clinicians

Mental Health and Addictions Support

Mental Health and Addictions support
Joleen Hogan
RN, BScN, Mental Health Nurse
Home and Community Care Support Services North West
[email protected]
Tel: 807-271-2624

Board Mental Health and Wellness Services Resources:
        SSS counselling services                  Mental Health resources directory             School Climate Survey results            report bullying

School Support Services                     Mental Health                  School Climate Survey                         Report Bullying
           Counselling                           Resources Directory                 Results 2021

Mental Health Memos
Mental Health Memos

Click here to read the Mental Health Memos that are published in school newsletters each month.

Online Safety

Call of Duty - video game addiction presentation 

Video Game Addiction presentation

Healthy Social Media Habits

How to Talk to Your Kids About the News and Protect Their Sense of Safety


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