Welcome to Rainy River District School Board

School Councils

School Councils: An Introduction Effective School Council Meetings Minute-Taking for School Councils
Effective School Council Meetings Minute taking School Councils

Board Policy 1.60 School Councils and Parent Involvement Committee
The Rainy River District School Board recognizes that the education of young people within the Board's jurisdiction is a shared responsibility involving the schools, students and their families and members of the community. A School Council comprised of members of these groups shall, therefore, have the opportunity to advise in educational matters.

School Council Handbook
School Council Agenda Template
School Council Minutes Template
Checklist of School Council Commitments
School Council By-Laws Template
School Council Sample Action Plan
School Council Evaluation Template

Visit our Parent Involvement Committee page.

Ontario Regulation 612-00
Ontario Regulation 612-00 confirms the advisory role of school councils and clearly states that their purpose is to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. This regulation also clarifies the role of school councils and establishes their right to express their views on any issues that are important to them.

School Councils: A Guide for Members
A Ministry of Education web page that provides the Ministry's complete guide for school council members.

Parent Guides
The Ministry of Education offers simple steps to your child's success.

Getting More Involved in Your Child's Education
Parent involvement leads to more student success. Students have a greater chance of being successful at school if their parents are actively involved in their education and their school.

Find a School:

Crossroads School
Donald Young School
Fort Frances High School
J.W. Walker School
McCrosson-Tovell School
Mine Centre School
Nestor Falls School
Northern Lakes K-12 School
Rainy River High School
Riverview Public School 
Robert Moore School
Sturgeon Creek School

Parent Engagement Resource Links

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