Welcome to Rainy River District School Board

National Day of Truth and Reconciliation 2021

National Day of Truth and Reconciliation
Posted on 10/01/2021
Orange shirt

September 30, 2021 was Canada’s first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, a day honoring First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Residential School Survivors. It was also a day of Remembrance, for those children and youth who did not make it home.

The Rainy River District School Board and its schools recognized that Every Child Matters by wearing Orange on September 30th. RRDSB staff and students marked this important day through school-wide virtual assemblies and/or classroom lessons and discussions, taking time to listen, to learn, and to talk about the harm of residential schools and colonization. This is just one part of our continuing journey on the path to reconciliation.

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