Welcome to Rainy River District School Board

Statement regarding EQAO Grade 9

RRDSB Statement regarding EQAO Grade 9 Math Assessment
Posted on 01/09/2020
Yesterday, the Minister of Education announced that the decision with respect to the administration of the EQAO Grade 9 Math Assessment for Semester One would be left to individual school boards. Students in the Rainy River District School Board will not be participating in the EQAO Grade 9 Math Assessment this January.

All Ontario students who are enrolled in a Grade 9 Applied or Grade 9 Academic mathematics courses are normally required to take the EQAO Grade 9 Math Assessment. The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) is an independent provincial agency funded by the Government of Ontario, with the mandate to conduct province-wide tests at key points in every student’s education and report these results to educators, parents and the public. EQAO measures students' achievement in reading, writing and mathematics in relation to Ontario Curriculum expectations.

Teachers have been teaching the math curriculum throughout Semester One. The curriculum taught aligns with and prepares students for the EQAO Grade 9 Math Assessment.

However, due to job action, OSSTF teachers and Education Support Personnel will not participate in EQAO preparation or testing. This includes the administration and subsequent marking of the test. The labour sanctions would also make it difficult to implement the accommodations that many students rely on in order to be successful on the test. These accommodations would include scribing, the reading of questions and access to specialized versions of the test material. In RRDSB schools, access to these accommodations are provided by both teachers and Education Support Personnel.

Teachers will continue to work through the completion of the Grade 9 Math curriculum as Semester One comes to an end. In the RRDSB, a student’s performance on the EQAO Grade 9 Math Assessment has been included as part of the student’s final summative grade, which forms part of their overall mark in the course. Read the full press release.
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