Welcome to Rainy River District School Board

Board Meeting Highlights - November 7, 2023

Board Meeting Highlights - November 7, 2023
Posted on 11/10/2023
Employee Recognition:
Kevin Knutsen, Executive Officer of Employee and Labour Relations, recognized and congratulated the following Rainy River District School Board school staff on their 25  years of service with the board: Melanie Allen, Laura Mutz, Jody Bonner-Vickers and Shannon LaRocque.

Retirement: Bruce Wickstrom
Principal Kerri Tolen of Sturgeon Creek School congratulated Bruce Wickstrom, who has been a caretaker with the RRDSB since 2004 and based at Sturgeon Creek School since 2012. “Bruce loved being outdoors and took great pride in tending to the Sturgeon Creek school green space. Students lovingly called him Mr. Whiskers, and he will always be known for his heroic actions when the school caught fire back in 2015. Congratulations on a job well done, and thank you for taking such great care of not just the school, but all of Sturgeon Creek staff and students for so many years.”

Principal Kerri Tolen and school teacher, Alyssa Armstrong, presented A Sign of the Times, a story about the journey of a teacher and a student who couldn’t hear very well.
View presentation here

System-Program/Curriculum Success Presentation Literacy Plan:
Lynne Avis, Literacy Lead, provided a presentation and overview of the Science of Reading, a body of knowledge and understanding of helping children succeed in reading. 
View presentation here

Trustee Kathryn Pierroz gave an update on the following from the Policy Comminittee:
i. Policy 4.65 Community Involvement Hours.
ii. Policy 5.80 Elders, Senators, Knowledge Keepers, and Pow Wows.
iii. Policy 6.11 Tobacco, Cannabis, Vaping, and Smoke-Free Environment.
View polices here

EQAO Results:
Superintendents Brad Oster, Beth Fairfield and Al McManaman conducted a review of the Board’s EQAO results for the 2022/2023 school year, which included the following:
54% of RRDSB Grade 3 students achieved at or above the provincial standard in mathematics. This is a 14%-point increase from the 2021-22 school year. 
New resources have been purchased to provide teachers a framework to follow and to provide regular professional development.
The Board has also invested in math digital tools to support the improvement of student learning in math.
View the full report here

Proposed Program and Planning Committee:
Director Campbell reviewed the importance of the Board Improvement Plan, now referred to as the Student Achievement Plan, which is a key component of the multi-year strategic plan. 
View the full report here

Future Board Meetings
Regular Board Meetings are held in person and online and the links to join the meetings will be posted on the RRDSB website.
Tuesday December 5, 2023
Tuesday January 9, 2024
Tuesday February 6, 2024
Tuesday March 5, 2024
Tuesday April 2, 2024 

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